Thursday, September 24, 2009

I've Been Missing - Jayden was in the hospital

I will update when I can. Here are some pictures of Jayden - We spent four days in the hospital.
Update Finally!!
This is what happen to our little man Jayden.. September 24th, Jayden woke up in the middle of the night throwing up. I have NEVER seen a baby throw up so much at one time. All he did was cry, but the strange part was he was still sleeping as he was doing this. He was very tired for the days events. I called the doctor first thing in the morning, and they said bring him. We went to the doctors. At that time Jayden had no fever, diarrhea, ect. They just said - he probably ate something that did not agree with him. Just keep feeding him every 2 hours small amounts of fluids. So, off we go - thinking everything will be fine. That night, Jayden only ate oatmeal for dinner and small bottle. He went right now at 6:30, and I stayed awake thinking " that was a little to easy". I finally feel asleep around 10pm, and by 2am - Jayden was awake throwing up. I got him up and brought him into the living room and put him into his swing. He went back to sleep, and I slept on the couch next to him. Around 8am, he woke up.. and I noticed something.. THE SMELL of diarrhea - AWFUL! I gave him a bottle, before I even opened that diaper. I finally braced myself, for what I was about to experience for the first time- WOW. I actually took him into the tub and washed him off. Everything "down there" was very large and had blisters. I notice he seemed a bit warmed, took his temp! He was running 103.1 fever! I freaked out. I called my friend Amy to come over and watch Rays.
I took off to the closest hospital, and came to my surprise - they dont take babies. Let me re phase that. They will not turn away anyone, but they did not have a pediatrician. Just got the feeling, we needed to go to a different hospital. Loaded Jayden back up in the car, and found another hospital. After arriving at the hospital and signing in.. the waiting room - WAS FULL! We saw the check in nurse, and she was very concerned because Jayden was losing his color and his fever was now at 104. They took us right back, and started running test on him. In the mean time of waiting for results, doctors, and more testing. I started to feel a little strange.. I was thinking, I cant be coming down with something. Come to my surprise, I caught a virus from Jayden. As Jayden is throwing up and having diarrhea. HORRIBLE! In the middle of this mess, I have Reagan at home with Amy and Valeria taking turns.. Jason is at work, and Jayden and I are sitting in the hospital - VERY SICK.
Jayden got hooked up to IV's because his levels were VERY LOW. Average baby that is sick will be around 21, Jayden was at 15!! This would explain the lost of color in his face. Jaydens doctor actually saw me at the same time, and admitted me in the hospital. Take a second and picture this -
Jayden is in a crib hooked with iv's, throwing up.. then me sitting in the bed, with iv's, throwing up - Horrible. I could not even get up and change jayden diaper because I could not stop throwing up. Finally at 5:30, Jason showed up. Jayden and Jason went to the other part of the hospital to get him checked in, and I was still working on my iv bag. After finishing my iv bag, I was ready to go see my son. Just walking to the other side of the hospital, I thought I was going to PASS OUT. I finally get to Jaydens room, and I am telling Jason " I have to go home, you need to stay with him".. Jason gets me into the car and decides he needs to EAT! I keep saying " PLEASE JUST GO HOME" nope, he decides - McDonald's drive through.. As he is ordering his food - I am throwing up - NON STOP! We finally get home, and Doreen (mother in law) was at my house taking car of Rays. I went straight for the shower, and finally went to sleep. Jason went back to the hospital with Jayden.
Next day, I had Amy pick me up and take me to the hospital, so Jason could go home. I was feeling 100% better. Older adults can pass a virus a lot easier then a baby. Jason and I changed out and he went home. The doctor came in and explained to us, his count only went up 1! That's all!!! before she could even tell me, I knew Jayden was not coming home. I was in for a long night. Next day, we saw a different doctor in the morning, and she explained that jayden count was only up to 18, but we are going to release him. I was so happy and ready to come home. I just had a feeling, Jayden was not ready. Not mentioned that Monday - Jason woke up with the virus! joy. I called Jason and said " Were coming home". We finally got home, and jayden took a nap and played with Rays. His next feeding was coming up, he only had 4oz compared to 8 oz as normal. I knew, we would have to start off slow. After he finished that bottle, within 5 minutes he was throwing everything back up!! I called our doctors and explained the current events, and they were very upset that Jj was released and should have stayed until his count was at least 21. Our doctors office, called the hospital and spoke with the doctor. We were informed to go back to the hospital and Jayden would have to stay again. My mom stayed with Rays & Jayden, and I was back off with jayden to the hospital.
When we arrived at the hospital, he was put back on Ivs and was going to monitored very close. They kept doing blood work watching his count. By 8am, Jayden was 22 and doing excellent. The doctor would not release us until 4pm, because she wanted to see how he would do out through the day. We packed our bags, and off we went to go home. I tired to explain, as much as I could.
Over the course, of this time - Rays started crawling!! I was proud momma, but very sad because I missed it. It was VERY HARD to be apart from her and not be home. I cried many of times, but we made it through. Jayden is back on track, his weight is VERY Low - but slowly putting it back on.
Sorry for the delay. I've been playing catch up.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Spray Parks

Daddy & Jayden - First Spray/Splash Park we went too
Myself & Rays

Today - Jack & Ms. Rays

Ms. Princess- Just enjoying the water...

Jason and I were invited to a birthday party at a " splash park". At first, we were NOT sure, if this was something for us and the twins. WE LOVED and the twins LOVED IT. Ever since we got back from the first splash park, we go non stop now. We found one closer to home.. Today we met with some of my mommy friends.. Thought I would share our fun with you..

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Walmart Shopping

Ms. Rays letting me know - I am hungry momma!

Helping mommy with putting away grocery's

Is it that hard to tell?? Boy & Girl??? What more can I do?? Put a sign on them
Boy - Girl

Every week I go grocery shopping at Walmart. Oh, Yes - I said, Walmart. Really makes me mad about Walmart - Is the people that stand in the middle of aisle. Just stand there. Then they want to make a comment to me " How do you do it?"

First - I can shop very easy. WHEN PEOPLE ARE NOT STANDING IN THE WAY!
Second - If you get wraps of your kids, and not stare at mine - Maybe I would not feel like, I am about to have heart attack.

Besides that - The famous question, I get all the time - " Are they boys" Or " Your girls are so cute" Really?? Umm.. Are you color blind? I've attached a photo, of the twins this morning before we went shopping. Reagan is in a PINK CAR SEAT and Jayden is in a BLUE CAR SEAT, never mind the fact, Rays has pink on and Jayden has BLUE! Hello???

When I get home for shopping. Always take the twins out of the their seats, and keep them in the kitchen. Before you judge me.. I STAY RIGHT NEXT TO THEM! They like to play with the plastic bags. It's a lot of fun for them.

Enjoy. Have a wonderful day.

My Gym Day

It's 8:40am and the twins are still sleeping. Wow! Both only got up once last night. I put them to bed at 7 last night, and they are still sound asleep. It's been rough couple of nights for us. Between teething and the fevers. It's been hard.

Today were off to go grocery shopping. Then we will be meeting up with some moms to check up MyGym. It's a new place here for babies. It's supposed to better then Gymboree with less cost. I personally do not like Gymboree. I think, they over priced and not clean. We still go here and there, to hang out with other mothers. I rather not take them.

I will post pictures soon of MyGym. Tomorrow is Grandparents day, and we have a lot of things planned.

Have a wonderful Saturday.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Might Be a Red Neck

If you buy a hat - That has bling on it for Nascar!

Jason and I enjoy watching and attending Nascar events. All the hats are VERY boring. A friend of mine has a business called - IcyHats. I requested a Tony Stewart hat with some bling on it.

If you visit their site and dont see a hat your looking for, just send her an email. She will get the hat you request and icy it up. - Enjoy!

Great Blog!

Many of you might know how much I love COUPONS!

Thought I would share Carries Blog - She is the queen at coupons. If you ever have a question about a sale or product, she is the person to ask.


Must Have

I love this! Everyone thought I was crazy for spending $50.00 on a thermometer, but this a life saver! I can take the twins tep, when they are sleeping!! Our doctors office use this one too!!
Best Product!

Teething Tips

Yesterday - I posted on FB about the last night with the twins. First - Thank you to everyone for your tips.

Thought I would share some

1. Humphries Teething Tablets ( Thank you Deanna)

2. Tylenol/Mortin ( Thank you, Angie)

3. If you have those mesh feeder bags you can also put some grapes or melon in the freezer and then let her chew on those thru the mesh...more interesting than a plain old teething ring ( Thank you, Nicole)

4. Baby orajel!!! keep a tube in every room!! also you can let her chew on frozen waffles or an ice pop...but the orajel works the best

5. smeared a little orajel on their bink and rubbed that around their gums as I was putting it in their mouth...that way you don't risk getting bitten by those new chompers! ( Thank you, Nicole again - she is a mother of ALL TRICKS) I always go to her for a question about ANYTHING

6. Wild Turkey worked the best for Caden. Smear a tad bit on there gums. I know it sounds crazy but believe me it works. ( THank you, Jessica)

I tried everything, but the Wild Turkey. If this cont. I might have to try that. At this point, I will try anything.

Jayden also decided to stay up last night. He finally broke his 4th tooth. It's been a rough couple of days.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Teething = NO SLEEP

I really cant say to much, because Jayden was easy! For two weeks - Just had the normal stuff

No bottle

Nothing to bad. Now he has 3 teeth, and the 4th coming in. Ms. Reagan on the other hand! Goodness! I am actually lost for words. Last night - She went to bed at 6:30, always. I could see her through the monitor rolling around a lot.. I just figured she was getting comfortable. I finally went to lay down about 11:30.. Nice and quite in the - Awww.. Best time of the day for a mother. She just starts SCREAMING!!! I thought, I was going to have a heart attack! This is not like Reagan. You put her to bed, and she is OUT FOR THE COUNT until 8am. For that point on.. my loving daughter was up - EVERY HOUR - NON STOP! SCREAMING!! Everything I tried was not working.. I finally came to the point, waking up my husband. Within the last 8 months, I have probably woke up Jason maybe 3 times - asking for help. By 3am of a baby screaming in my ear, I had to take a break. I was actually looking for ear plugs, just to drain out the screaming. Jason got her back to bed, and I was passed out. Come 5am - back at it again! I got her up, and off we went to Starbucks at 5am. When we return, I gave her 6oz of formula with some Tylenol. I never use Tylenol with my kids, but this poor girl was in a lot of pain. On my way to Starbucks, I thought to myself " I rather have a newborn right now" at least they will eat, and go back down or at least swing.

Today - She is running a wonderful fever, cranky, just wants to be held. When this tooth comes in, I will have a party for it! It's been a rough night and day.. As I always say " This To Shall Pass" But needs to pass FAST!

Teething is rough. This is probably minor, compare to the upcoming years.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Twins Are 8 Months

My babies are 8 months!!

Stats - Jayden has 3 teeth, crawling, standing and getting me on my feet

Reagan - Can crawl but does it when I am not looking, no teeth, and sweet as can be!!

Time is flying by, but I am enjoying every moment and taking it one - day - at a time!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Twins Or Triplets

My parents invited us to go to dinner. On our way to dinner, I was thinking in the car.. " What it would be like with triplets"? Part of me, said HECK NO.. Another part " Well, I am making it with two, what's another one, right?"

Currently we use 3 cans for formula a week - $13.00 Can ( Parents Soy)
9 Diapers a day (average) - 2 cases a month $40.00 ( I use a lot of coupons)
2 Loads of laundry ( EASY on a good week)
9 - Bottles a day ( Dr. Browns - LOVE THEM)
6 jars of baby food
1 box of oatmeal
1 case of huggies wipes

Really if you look at that outline - If I did have triplets.. It would not cost anymore.. =) Just really got me thinking. Yes, a lot more work at bath time, bedtime, grocery shopping, just loading up the car. I am truly thankful my babies, and would never change a thing.. Just had a moment to reflect on my life, and thought " what it would be like to have triplets"

I always get this question " How do you do it" - I always " How do you do it?" Really? I dont know what it's like with just one baby. All I know is 2 of everything! Two noses to clean, to bottoms to clean, tons of clothes, and lots of smiles! Aww... How I love those smiles. I just do it! I have no other choice! I do what I can, and to my best ability. Some mothers might not like the choices I make, but it works for us. I do NOT judge other moms and how they raise their babies. Everyone is different, and what I do works. Or for right now.

The famous question!!! " Do twins run in your family?" REALLY ! Why do people have to ask me this??? Sometimes I ask - Did you have to much to drink that night, when you got decided to get pregnant? If you ask me this question, you will get a stupid response from me! If I do tell them my secret. Man, does that open a can of worms. I just smile and walk away.

Okay - I feel better now.

Flu Shots

My mother is all over me about the flu shots! I have my thoughts about this - Some say - NO and Some say - MUST DO. I heard of all the affects that can cause if you get these shots for your babies.

I wonder - Should I just take the risk - have the shots done.. and pray it works?

Or just ride the train, keep the kids in.. no play dates and hope they never get sick. When it comes time for daycare, I will take the challenge of them coming home very sick.

My husband will NOT get the Flu shot. When he first did the shot couple of years go, he got the flu afterwards. I, myself have never got the Flu shot. Considering I watch other mothers kids during the day.. I probably should.

It's hard to make this decision. I think, I will talk to the doctor on Tuesday. I just worry because the kids were born at 37weeks, with low birth weight. Plus, we just got over our first colds. Not to mentioned, I got sick too. Horrible two weeks in our house.

Just wondering..

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Overnight Diapers!

Diaper companies also say - they have the best overnight diapers. Why is it, my little man, wakes up soaked! I can say that, I've tried almost every diaper! As we all know, diapers are NOT cheap. When you have two little ones, the monthly cost is high. Really?

Since I decided to open this up can of worms up. Even if I have a TON of coupons, the price is still so high. My daughter can only use pampers, because she has very sensitive skin. My son can only use Huggies. Goodness!! Pampers does the reward program. The other night, I took the time to enter all my reward points. Thinking - hey! Maybe I might be able to cash in my rewards for something baby related. Not! I think, they should offer, additional coupons. Just my thoughts.

I noticed, I change the twins each 6+ times a day. You do the math. Crazy.

My mom always says.. " We did not have all these diapers, when you were younger" This brings up my question, why did they change the way diapers were made? If the diapers in the good old days worked so well, why did they change them??

Just my thoughts on diapers.