I will update when I can. Here are some pictures of Jayden - We spent four days in the hospital.
Update Finally!!
This is what happen to our little man Jayden.. September 24th, Jayden woke up in the middle of the night throwing up. I have NEVER seen a baby throw up so much at one time. All he did was cry, but the strange part was he was still sleeping as he was doing this. He was very tired for the days events. I called the doctor first thing in the morning, and they said bring him. We went to the doctors. At that time Jayden had no fever, diarrhea, ect. They just said - he probably ate something that did not agree with him. Just keep feeding him every 2 hours small amounts of fluids. So, off we go - thinking everything will be fine. That night, Jayden only ate oatmeal for dinner and small bottle. He went right now at 6:30, and I stayed awake thinking " that was a little to easy". I finally feel asleep around 10pm, and by 2am - Jayden was awake throwing up. I got him up and brought him into the living room and put him into his swing. He went back to sleep, and I slept on the couch next to him. Around 8am, he woke up.. and I noticed something.. THE SMELL of diarrhea - AWFUL! I gave him a bottle, before I even opened that diaper. I finally braced myself, for what I was about to experience for the first time- WOW. I actually took him into the tub and washed him off. Everything "down there" was very large and had blisters. I notice he seemed a bit warmed, took his temp! He was running 103.1 fever! I freaked out. I called my friend Amy to come over and watch Rays.
I took off to the closest hospital, and came to my surprise - they dont take babies. Let me re phase that. They will not turn away anyone, but they did not have a pediatrician. Just got the feeling, we needed to go to a different hospital. Loaded Jayden back up in the car, and found another hospital. After arriving at the hospital and signing in.. the waiting room - WAS FULL! We saw the check in nurse, and she was very concerned because Jayden was losing his color and his fever was now at 104. They took us right back, and started running test on him. In the mean time of waiting for results, doctors, and more testing. I started to feel a little strange.. I was thinking, I cant be coming down with something. Come to my surprise, I caught a virus from Jayden. As Jayden is throwing up and having diarrhea. HORRIBLE! In the middle of this mess, I have Reagan at home with Amy and Valeria taking turns.. Jason is at work, and Jayden and I are sitting in the hospital - VERY SICK.
Jayden got hooked up to IV's because his levels were VERY LOW. Average baby that is sick will be around 21, Jayden was at 15!! This would explain the lost of color in his face. Jaydens doctor actually saw me at the same time, and admitted me in the hospital. Take a second and picture this -
Jayden is in a crib hooked with iv's, throwing up.. then me sitting in the bed, with iv's, throwing up - Horrible. I could not even get up and change jayden diaper because I could not stop throwing up. Finally at 5:30, Jason showed up. Jayden and Jason went to the other part of the hospital to get him checked in, and I was still working on my iv bag. After finishing my iv bag, I was ready to go see my son. Just walking to the other side of the hospital, I thought I was going to PASS OUT. I finally get to Jaydens room, and I am telling Jason " I have to go home, you need to stay with him".. Jason gets me into the car and decides he needs to EAT! I keep saying " PLEASE JUST GO HOME" nope, he decides - McDonald's drive through.. As he is ordering his food - I am throwing up - NON STOP! We finally get home, and Doreen (mother in law) was at my house taking car of Rays. I went straight for the shower, and finally went to sleep. Jason went back to the hospital with Jayden.
Next day, I had Amy pick me up and take me to the hospital, so Jason could go home. I was feeling 100% better. Older adults can pass a virus a lot easier then a baby. Jason and I changed out and he went home. The doctor came in and explained to us, his count only went up 1! That's all!!! before she could even tell me, I knew Jayden was not coming home. I was in for a long night. Next day, we saw a different doctor in the morning, and she explained that jayden count was only up to 18, but we are going to release him. I was so happy and ready to come home. I just had a feeling, Jayden was not ready. Not mentioned that Monday - Jason woke up with the virus! joy. I called Jason and said " Were coming home". We finally got home, and jayden took a nap and played with Rays. His next feeding was coming up, he only had 4oz compared to 8 oz as normal. I knew, we would have to start off slow. After he finished that bottle, within 5 minutes he was throwing everything back up!! I called our doctors and explained the current events, and they were very upset that Jj was released and should have stayed until his count was at least 21. Our doctors office, called the hospital and spoke with the doctor. We were informed to go back to the hospital and Jayden would have to stay again. My mom stayed with Rays & Jayden, and I was back off with jayden to the hospital.
When we arrived at the hospital, he was put back on Ivs and was going to monitored very close. They kept doing blood work watching his count. By 8am, Jayden was 22 and doing excellent. The doctor would not release us until 4pm, because she wanted to see how he would do out through the day. We packed our bags, and off we went to go home. I tired to explain, as much as I could.
Over the course, of this time - Rays started crawling!! I was proud momma, but very sad because I missed it. It was VERY HARD to be apart from her and not be home. I cried many of times, but we made it through. Jayden is back on track, his weight is VERY Low - but slowly putting it back on.
Ack! I just read your comment that he was in the hospital. I hope he's doing better now!