Who Am I? Depends on the day!
I started my little life span, in a small town Lakeland, Fl. I was actually born in CA, but was raised in Lakeland. I saw myself as outgoing, loving and person with a dream. I did not know what the dream was. Just knew, my heart was filled of love and hope. I went to high school at Lake Gibson High. I really started to find myself in middle school. School is just school, same thing, different day - just a bit older. Lots friends, fun, and would never go back and do it again. My parents supported me in every way, and always led me to believe - I can do anything that I set my mind too, that I did. Senior year rolled around, and I was going to attend college away on a soccer scholarship. When school was out, and I walked across that stage. I came to terms, that I was not going to play soccer again, nor was I going to sit through another four years of school. Told myself I would take a break.. =) That break, led me to my husband. Younger years growing up was hard. I came from a broken family, but a mother who never stopped loving or trying for us. My father was alcoholic, liar and horrible husband to my mother. Found over the years, everyone or at least most kids. Come from a broken home, with little dreams, no love, and no where to sleep at night. As I type this, I found I was lucky. My mother kept us together. She gave us more love, hope, dreams then I could ever imagine. Their were times, when we were sleeping in hotels, camp grounds, ect. My mother always made sure, we had food, somewhere to put our heads down at night, and kiss for everyone. I truly believe, I am my mother in many ways. I do believe, I am the person today because of her. Please dont get me wrong- WE DO FIGHT! I like it! She may see different, but I enjoy it. Just because it makes our relationship stronger. Understanding we both have limits, feelings, and we need each other. I've worked hard for everything, I have. I was not a child that was given nothing, but love and support. If you would have asked me 10 years ago, I would have told you " This sucks". Now, I cant wait to give my kids the same values. I started working very young, and I enjoyed it. When I turned 16, my mother took me to my first real interview in my car, my parents just financed for me. I was nervous! Knowing I had to make this monthly payment $228, car insurance, gas- goodness I was a wreck. My first job was at ice cream shop, making $5.15 an hour. That was a lot to me, considering at the time I was making $0. From that point on, I was on my own. In that since, my own clothes, gas, movie tickets anything. I worked hard for everything I needed/wanted. Their were summers, were I was working 3 jobs- when all my friends were enjoying the beach and vacations. You would find me working. That's okay. Kept me out of trouble, and money in my pockets, my bills were paid. I learned a lot of my brothers and sisters growing up. I am the youngest of them, and boy did I learn. Just keep your mouth shut, grades up, and dont get in trouble, I would be okay. Believe it or not, I was! Brother and sisters my say different, because they thought I was spoiled, no just smarter then you. I love them all, they did cause my parents a lot of trouble. Poor mom would get calls ALL the time from the school, about Tj and Brooke. Sorry - I've gone off the path about me. =)
Rewind to senior year in 2002 at Lake Gibson Senior High. I walked across that stage, and came to thought - I am done! Not knowing my life was starting. Before walking across that stage, I was just skirting through life under my moms eye and arms. Now, I was free, and that I was. I met my husband Jason, at Amoco on a Saturday morning. When I met Jason, he gave me his number on a card, and of course that was tossed. In Lakeland, you do not want to meet someone at a gas station. Monday he went back up to the Amoco station to ask my friend about me. Needless to say, we went on our first day.. and that's where my life started..
I just took my whole life and put into a small little box.. Pretty sad. My childhood was wonderful and would never change a thing. I lost a lot of friends, hope at time, but I kept my head high never gave up.