Time after time, I get this questions " How do you do it"? What they are really asking me..
" How do you feed both babies at the same time"?
Lets start when the twins were newborns - 2 months! This was VERY HARD! Both babies were feeding every 3 hours, and I was the only one at home, and did the night feedings. As soon as, I would finish feeding one baby and chang their diaper - and then the other.. I had about 30 minutes in between another feeding. Needless to say, their was NOT much rest time for me. We started using Playtex drop in bottles, and the reason for that was because, that's the only bottle the twins would take.; also when I was pregnant. A friend of mine, sent me a website to get a free bottle from Playtex. When I rec'd the free bottle in the mail.. I thought - WOW this would- awesome, no cleaning bottles, ect. Not knowing, how much they cost! Yah,it would save me a lot of time not having to clean bottles, ect. The cost of refill packs - PRICEY! Think about it - 2 babies feeding every 3 hours.. 18 BOTTLES in 24 hours. The cost to keep up with these bottles, was getting out of control. Feeding time when they were between 0-2 months, very stressful for me. I did not know, it was ACTUALLY possible to fall asleep feeding a baby. Yes, I can honestly say - I FELL ASLEEP! I woke up scared out of my mind.. During this trail and error period, we also were trying to figure out formula! during the time, I was emotional wreck because I could not get that "bonding time" with each baby. I had to remember, that I was raising two babies the same age. Oh, this age was wonderful for feedings.. example - they would TAKE THEIR BOTTLE ANYWHERE/ANYTIME!
We started in the hospital with GoodStart Milk Base in the hospital, the twins seemed to take to it great! When we got home after a few days, we notice Jj was very gassy and ALWAYS fussy. Back to the doctors, and switched him to Similac Sensitive ( Orange Can). At first, it seemed to be working great. Over the week span, we notice he was not getting any better, but worse. At the same token, we notice Reagan was gassy. The doctor switch the twins to Similac Soy, but I decided to use Good Start Soy, because this company sent out more coupons- $11.00 checks! That's big money to a momma of twins. Once we figured out the formula issue, we stayed with Good Start Soy, and the problems started going away.
Jason and I finally, broke open a baby shower gift set of bottles from a friend, who used them with her first child. She swore by these bottles, I looked at them as a lot of work to clean, with all these parts.. We had it with the drop ins. DR BROWNS BOTTLE! Aww.. My lifesaver! The twins took them very good, and the monthly budget was a bit litter without the drop in cost. Yes, I did have to spend more time at the sink washing bottles, ect. I rather have done that, then spend more money on the drop ins.
I got in the habit of premixing all bottles for 24 hours, I would sit down and start going to town. Made my life so much easier, because I just had to warm them up - and we were ready for feedings.
3-6 months Feedings
At this time, I switched the twins to Dr. Brown Bottles, Good Start Formula, Jayden was sleeping through the night and had both of feeding at the same time. I will attach some photos, of the "feeding project". By this point, I was not so overwhelm thinking " Bottle Time AGAIN".. When I knew the time was nearing, I would just go and pull the bottles out, warm them up, put the babies on the bobbys, or prop their bottles with something.. and we were finished. I noticed, that I had 1 1/2 between each feeding by then. I WAS ON TOP OF WORLD! At the same token we were starting solids. Starting solids were not that hard, but bottles were my projects. Towards the end of the 6 months, I started putting the bottles in the dishwasher every day, and repeat the same project. I noticed around this age, if I wanted to go out for lunch/mall/run, ect I would plan it around feeding times, why? It's a lot of work to feed two babies out in public, when their is only one of me.
6-9 Months
Breeze! Twins are on a great schedule, and sometimes they will go without a bottle for 4/5 hours, if I just gave them snacks. At this time, I do not pre-make the bottles.. I got tired of sitting on the bar stool MIXING all those bottles. Now, we just line up the bottles - pour the water into them, stick them in the microwave 49 second, mix and shake! We are done! Also, they hold their own bottles and only take 3-4 bottles a day. Bottle feedings have gotten a lot easier, and I dont feel stress out by them anymore. One thing, I have to add! when the twins were 2 months old, Jason I went on for a car trip, but thought for sure we would be back for the next feeding.. NOPE! We had to pull into a gas station and feed the babies. =)
We did try other bottles along the way.. Avent ( AWFUL) they also leaked on us... Playtex Curve something.. HORRIBLE! The nipples were so hard, the twins could not suck on them.. That was really about it. We truly only used Playtex drop ins and DR BROWNS ( LIFE SAVER)
We never change to a different bottle, if we were going out, or different times of the day. We kept them with what they know. We notice, that babies dont do well with change. If we found something that was working.. " Why Change it"
All of our feedings were really easy after 2/3 months, because they were sleeping through the night.. going 4 hours between each bottle. Made my life easier, and I got to spend more time with them.
One thing, I wish bottle companies would change. SEND OUT COUPONS! A mother of twins.. I spent a lot on bottles, trying to figure out the "right one".. I wanted to make sure, I had enough bottles for 24 hours, and couple extra in case the dishwasher did not get run that day, or someone needed an extra feeding. Also, maybe some coupons for nipples?? I really would not change anything about bottles, because each one of them have their own design; and each baby requires a different bottle. It's probably good thing, their is WIDE selection of them, because it gaves us moms options.
I get asked questions - ALL THE TIME! Bottles are brought up a lot, and they ask me.. " How did you know" I always say trail and error. My husband and I tell parents to be, take $100 go to the store and BUY every bottle! Really - I am NOT JOKING. I wish someone at our shower, just bought us TONS of different bottles, and let us try to find the right one; or your baby will tell you, what he/she will take. I wish, I could say - that every baby will take Dr. Browns, but they dont. I would also, share with them. Prepare your self for the upcoming day.. Meaning - pre make all of your bottles 24 hours in advice, and wash them out - PUT THEM IN THE DISHWASHER - Why? Because when you have a stack full of bottles sitting in the sink, it can get to you, as a new mother. Run the dishwasher every night before you go to bed, even if their is only 3 bottles. When you wake up in the morning, your not looking at dirty bottles. If you know your going out for the day, dont pre make to many bottles. I take the amount of bottles, I will need for those hours, and fill them with water and put the travel lids on them. Use the cool formula holder, and just mix the bottles where ever, I am. I am lucky, because the babies will take the bottles at room temp, or if I am going to a restaurant. I will ask for a cup of warm water, and put the bottle in their to warm up.. Just depends on what your baby will take. TIP - Starbucks will give you warm water to use for your bottles, if your ordering COFFEE! =) Yes, I love starbucks.
Best tip - I have for twin mommies - FEED BOTH BABIES AT THE SAME TIME FROM THE START! It will save you a lot more time, and you will get a lot more sleep.